When there is a gradual loss of kidney function, it is chronic kidney disease (CKD). The other term of it is chronic kidney failure. The function of your kidneys is to filter excess fluids and waste products from your blood. These then go out of your body through urine. There can be a build-up of waste products, fluid and electrolytes in your body if there is an advanced stage of chronic kidney disease. A kidney doctor in Agartala aims to slow the progression of kidney damage during the treatment of chronic kidney disease. He/she normally does this by controlling the underlying cause.

Symptoms Of Chronic Kidney Disease

There may be few signs and symptoms at the early stage. As kidney damage progresses, the following symptoms begin to develop:

  • Vomiting 
  • Nausea
  • Loss of appetite
  • Sleep Problems
  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Changes in the amount you urinate
  • Muscle twitches and cramps
  • Decreased mental sharpness
  • Persistent itching
  • Swelling of feet and ankles
  • High blood pressure

There may be chest pain if there is a fluid build-up around the heart’s lining. If fluid accumulates in the lungs, there is shortness of breath. You must seek medical help if you have these symptoms.


If any condition or disease hampers kidney function, chronic kidney disease happens. The following are some of the causes:

  • Glomerulonephritis
  • High blood pressure
  • Type 1 or type 2 diabetes
  • Polycystic kidney disease
  • Interstitial nephritis
  • Vesicoureteral reflux, in which the urine travels back to the kidneys
  • Obstruction of the urinary tract for a long time
  • Pyelonephritis or recurrent kidney infection


A nephrologist in Kolkata asks you about your personal and family history during diagnosis of the disease. He/she checks whether you have any physical complications that cause this condition. The doctor will carry out a complete physical exam and suggests you undergo some tests. These include:

  • Blood tests: Blood tests help the doctor to check for the levels of different waste products in the blood.
  • Urine tests: These often reveal abnormalities that indicate chronic kidney failure by analysing your urine sample. The doctor also gets to know the causes of this condition.
  • Imaging tests: To understand the structure and size of your kidneys, the doctor asks you to go for an ultrasound and other imaging tests.
  • Removing a kidney tissue sample for testing: It may sometimes become necessary to remove a sample of kidney tissue during kidney biopsy for testing in the laboratory.

Treatment For Chronic Kidney Disease

A kidney specialist in Agartala uses different treatment options, which are:

  • High blood pressure medicines: You have to take these medicines to lower your blood pressure.
  • Medicines to lower cholesterol levels: The doctor asks you to take medicines known as statins to keep your cholesterol levels under control.
  • Medicines to treat anaemia: Taking medicines for treating anaemia is often helpful.
  • Medicines to reduce swelling: You will have a proper balance of fluids in your body if you take these medicines.
  • Medicines to protect your bones: You have to take calcium and vitamin D supplements to prevent your bones from becoming weak.

Besides all these, there should be less protein in your diet as it helps to minimize waste products in your blood. The options for treating end-stage kidney disease are dialysis and kidney transplant.